Company Statement on Equality

UWorld's Company Statement of Equality

Racism, violence, and brutality in all of its forms have no place in society. We seek to foster inclusion and respect for all individuals, people of color in particular at this time, in our company and communities.

We believe education is one of the best ways to elevate society and defeat issues like ignorance, poverty, and racism. As we continue to address these issues internally, we show our solidarity with those committed to equality in education by pledging a $10,000 donation to the National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE), an organization dedicated to promoting educational success for children, especially those of African descent. This initial donation was made by Dr. Chandra Pemmasani and Ravi Pemmasani, and opportunities for additional contributions are open to all employees. These donations will be supplemented by ongoing actions to support disadvantaged communities through companywide and individual employee efforts.

Only when standing together can we end violence and discrimination, bring hope to the Black community, and equality to all.